Marquis de Lafayette

美 [ˈmɑːrkwɪs di ˌlɑːfaɪˈet]英 [ˈmɑːkwɪs diː ˌlɑːfaɪˈet]
  • 网络拉法耶特侯爵;拉斐特;拉法叶侯爵
Marquis de LafayetteMarquis de Lafayette
  1. In1825 , the Marquis de lafayette , the French hero of the American revolution , bade farewell to President John Quincy Adams at the white house .


  2. French aristocrat Marquis de Lafayette ( 1757-1834 ) who has a good name " the hero of two worlds ", not only set military exploits for the American Revolution , but also was the important leader of the initial stage of the French Revolution .
